Discovery Health Waiting Period




This guide is designed to help members navigate and understand the waiting periods that are part of their health coverage plans. At Discovery Health, waiting periods are implemented to maintain fairness and sustainability within the scheme.


These periods are essential as they prevent the potential for abuseβ€”such as individuals joining a medical scheme only when in need of significant medical treatment and then leaving once health is regained.


In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of waiting periods, what they mean for you as a member, and how they ultimately contribute to the efficacy and stability of your health coverage. Whether you are a new member or need a refresher, this guide will provide you with the necessary insights to understand how waiting periods work within Discovery Health Medical Scheme.



Waiting Periods of Discovery Health Members








Individuals who have applied to join Discovery Health Medical Scheme, but have not belonged to a registered South African medical scheme before






Individuals who have belonged to a registered South African medical scheme for a period of less than two years







12-month condition specific waiting period


This will apply to the following conditions:





Understanding the waiting periods associated with applying for a medical aid plan from Discovery Health is crucial for managing expectations and making informed decisions about your healthcare coverage. By familiarizing yourself with the waiting periods for various services and conditions, you can navigate the enrolment process more effectively and ensure timely access to the care you need.


Remember to always review the specific terms and conditions of your chosen plan to fully grasp the waiting period implications and enjoy the benefits of comprehensive healthcare coverage.

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