Discovery Health Maternity Benefit




Maternity benefits are essential because they provide specialized healthcare during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period, addressing the unique needs of mothers and newborns. These benefits are not just about medical support; they are about providing peace of mind.


Knowing that many of the financial aspects of prenatal visits, delivery, and postnatal care are covered, allows you to focus more on your health and preparing for the arrival of your baby. Discovery Health Medical Aid understands the importance of comprehensive maternity care and offers a range of benefits tailored to support you from conception through to the postnatal phase.


In this guide, we will explore all the details of your maternity coverage from Discovery Health.



What do maternity benefits include?


The term “maternity benefits” refers to a broad category of medical coverage that aim to improve the mother’s and child’s health during pregnancy. Benefits that come under this category are explore below; however, details may differ from one health plan to another.



Prenatal care


Prenatal care is crucial for monitoring the health of the mother and the developing foetus. Regular check-ups can help catch and manage potential health issues early, ensure proper foetal development, and provide valuable advice on nutrition and lifestyle to expectant mothers.



Maternity and delivery services


These services cover the expenses related to childbirth, whether through natural delivery or caesarean section.



Postnatal services


After the birth, postnatal care ensures that the mother and baby are healthy and adjusting well.



Emergency care


In case of complications, maternity benefits also cover emergency interventions, which can include emergency surgeries, extended hospital stays, and neonatal intensive care if the newborn is in distress.



Discovery Health Medical Aid Plans with Maternity Benefits


Discovery Health offers several medical aid plans that include comprehensive maternity benefits. Here’s an overview of what these benefits typically include across various plans:

Executive Plan


Comprehensive coverage for maternity and early childhood, including up to two cycles of assisted reproductive therapy with 75% funding up to a limit of R129,000 per year.



Comprehensive Series


Includes coverage for prenatal and postnatal care, with additional benefits activated when the Medical Savings Account is depleted.


Saver Plans


Provides full hospital coverage for maternity needs without impacting day-to-day benefits, essential for managing finances during maternity.





Maternity benefits are designed to cover a broad spectrum of healthcare needs, providing crucial support from conception to postnatal care. These benefits not only help in managing the health of the mother and baby but also aim to reduce the overall stress of the pregnancy and childbirth process by alleviating financial and health-related worries.

Always check with your specific health plan provider for detailed coverage information to fully leverage the benefits available to you.

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